M1 Concourse sits on a historic site that has been home to a series
of auto manufacturing facilities for the past 100+ years.

Property History

In 1905, a large portion of the property was developed into a factory by the Rapid Motor Company for the production of municipal vehicles.
In 1908, a combination of Rapid, Reliance Motor Truck and Crescent Motors became General Motors Truck Co. During the decades GM owned the property, it was home to a variety of manufacturing plants and quality assurance facilities.
The facility was decommissioned in 2008 and all but one building on the property was demolished. In 2011, the property was transferred to the RACER Trust, which was created by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to position for redevelopment properties and other facilities owned by the former General Motors Corp. before its bankruptcy.
After the Environmental Protection Agency, State of Michigan, and City of Pontiac deemed the 87 acres fit for development, M1 acquired the land on August 6, 2014. The property has now been reconnected with its 100+ years of automotive history.